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《血咒之城:暗夜儀式》 是一款以探索為主的橫向捲軸動作角色扮演遊戲,遊戲的故事背景設定在 18 世紀的英國,超自然力量召喚出了一座惡魔城堡,並釋放出了充滿強大魔力的水晶碎片。
玩家將扮演米利暗,被鍊金術師詛咒導致身體結晶化的孤兒。為了拯救人類與自己,米利暗必須在戰鬥並穿越惡魔城堡的同時搜集、製作和解鎖大量的武器、設備和戰利品,以擊敗召喚者吉貝爾和在途中等候着的無數惡魔奴僕與 BOSS。
下載版發售日 | 2019年6月25日 |
對應平台 | Nintendo Switch |
遊戲類型 | 動作 |
所需容量 | 4.7GB |
對應的控制器 | Nintendo Switch Pro 控制器 |
遊戲模式 | TV模式、桌上模式、手提模式 |
遊戲人數 | 1~2人 |
網路通訊的遊玩人數 | 1~2人 |
對應語言 | 繁體中文、英文、日文及其他 |
Developed by ArtPlay, Inc. Published by 505 Games, S.p.A.
"505 Games", “ArtPlay, Inc.” logos are the trademarks and/or registered trademarks of 505 Games S.p.A. and ArtPlay, Inc. All rights reserved.
Customer will receive a confirmation e-mail once the transaction is completed. Please kindly click the URL to re-confirm the transaction. Activation number will be shown after the re-confirmation procedure is done.
Activation number which is purchased cannot be re-issued, refunded, compensated nor transferred after registration, except as specified in the laws and regulations applying in Hong Kong or other regions. Additionally, any registered points and any shopping service products that have been once been purchased cannot be returned, refunded, redeemed nor transferred.
Customer Service Email Address: customerservice@nintendo.com.hk